
Book: Building Success

To be a successful property investor you need to have ‘building success’ and this book will help you achieve this goal.

Building Success: Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections

“Building Success. Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections” is a unique, practical and valuable guide for property investors written from a building expert’s perspective who is also a successful property investor.

Whether you are buying, selling or renting out your property, this book is jam packed with wise tips, warnings, practical advice and real case studies that can guide you through each stage of your investing journey.

Book: Building Success
Book: Building Success

What You Will Learn

About the Author

Andrew Mackie-Smith is one of Australia’s leading authorities on building inspections. His extensive experience in building, property inspecting and investment over 30 years has given him unique insights into the property inspection industry.

Andrew is a licensed builder, building Inspector and pest Inspector. He holds qualifications as a building surveyor, scaffolding Inspector, timber stress grader, real estate sub-agent and pest manager.

He holds a Masters in Business Administration from Swinburne University and has lectured at Chisholm TAFE College on the Building Code. He has served 3 years on the executive committee of the Institute of Building Consultants Queensland and on the Master Builders’ committee for Australian Standards submissions.

Together with his wife Trish, he founded BuildingPro in 2002, a leading Property Inspection company in Brisbane, Australia. In 2017 Trish and Andrew launched inndox – property logbook. inndox is an award-winning software company that provides an easy way for Builders, Property Developers, Agents and Building inspectors to ‘hand over’ their files to the client. This ensures a property records are centralised and can be accessed by all stakeholders.  This helps makes the property sale process fairer and more transparent. 

Book: Building Success
Book: Building Success

About BuildingPro

BuildingPro’s mission to help property buyers has recently evolved into a campaign for consumer protection to extend to house buyers in the form of an e-petition recently tabled in Queensland Parliament. This petition could lead to real changes that will improve the property industry and benefit the community in general.

BuildingPro is Queensland’s most awarded building consultants with awards including: 2021 Most Innovative Proptech, 2020 Finalist UDIA Excellence awards, 2019 Finalist Australian Property Institute Awards, 2019 Australian Construction Awards Finalists, 2019 Winner HIA Women in Construction – Business Development Professional, 2018 Winner Best Building and Pest inspection Company in Australia – Your Investment Property Magazine,  2017 and 2018 Master Builders Queensland Building Consultant of the Year for both Brisbane and Queensland, Optus My Business Awards 2016 Finalists for Property Business of the Year, Finalist for Professional Services Business of the Year and Finalist for Businesswoman of the Year; Quest Business Achiever Winner 2012; and Australian Small Business Champion Awards Finalist in 2013.

BuildingPro’s media

Andrew is a regular speaker to groups of Property Investors and Home Sellers and has appeared on National Television shows “Selling Houses Australia” and “A Current Affair” to provide expert advice.   Andrew and Trish have also spoken at international conferences like Educon 2019.

About Us

BuildingPro Reviews

Building Success: Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections

“Building Success. Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections” is a unique, practical and valuable guide for property investors written from a building expert’s perspective who is also a successful property investor.

Whether you are buying, selling or renting out your property, this book is jam packed with wise tips, warnings, practical advice and real case studies that can guide you through each stage of your investing journey.

To see sample chapters from the book, head over to Amazon.

Book: Building Success

Contact Us

Another book we highly recommend is this newly launched book by real estate watchdog and friend of ours, Tim O’Dwyer called “Real Estate Escapes“. It is packed with very interesting, informative and entertaining true tales in real estate.

Contact us for media appearances regarding the book Building Success – Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections or for more information.

Book Launch

“Building Success – Why Property Investors Need Building Inspections” was launched on 16th August 2016.